Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency created by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who decided to create a payment system as a joke, making fun of the wild speculation in cryptocurrencies at the time. Despite its satirical nature, some consider it a legitimate investment prospect.

A Dubai developer announced on Wednesday it plans to begin accepting Dogecoin as a payment option for its latest project launch, despite recent turbulence in cryptocurrency markets.Samana Developers made the announcement ahead of the launch this summer of its residential project in Jumeirah Village Circle Dubai, going as far as offering a 5 percent discount to investors who opt to pay using Dogecoin Dubai.

In February, Musk said Tesla had bought $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin, and would start letting its customers use the cryptocurrency to buy its electric cars.However, late last week Musk tweeted he was reversing his stance, due to the bitcoin mining’s environmental impact, causing its price to fall.

Musk issued another tweet last Thursday, which seemed to endorse Dogecoin, helping its price to climb about 25 percent. “Working with Doge devs (developers) to improve system transaction efficiency. Potentially promising,” he said.