Longboarding has taken the world by a storm. A distant cousin of the skateboard, longboards are very similar to them in more ways than one. Besides longboards being, well, longer, they’re also faster due to the nature of their wheels. Also, longboards aren’t used for regular skating, but rather for specific and particular activities such as slalom racing, downhill racing, etc. So, it’s no surprise that a great many good companies are now bringing some of the best longboards for beginners in the market, whether it’s a boy or girl.

Not only are longboards available for both professionals as well as novices, but also they come in different styles and shapes. Moreover, all longboards come with a specific set of features that perfectly suit certain abilities and riding styles.In fact, many amateurs think skateboards are it and are unaware of the existence of the amazing wheels that are longboards.

So, if you want to move upward, then it’s time to move to the bad boys the longboards! However, longboarding can be an intimidating activity for beginners. This is especially true for those who’ve never snowboarded or skateboarded before in their life. So, we’ve put together a list of the best in the market, besides also including a rather helpful guide to choosing them. To that end, here are the 13 best and good longboards for beginners, notwithstanding whether it’s a boy or girl.